Living below the line

the challenge has finished for us – but 1.4 billion still live in poverty Thank you for the support, prayer and sponsorship you have provided to the people participating in this challenge. Katie and Charlotte will be collecting sponsorship money at church on Sunday. All donations go direct to Oxfam or World Vision for their work in fightingContinue reading “Living below the line”

The Fair is getting closer and we still need your help

The Fair will be on 27 October this year. The date is fast approaching and plans are being made. We would like request your help. We need people to help: on the day before with set up, and on the day with running stalls and helping out at stalls. If you are able to help with anyContinue reading “The Fair is getting closer and we still need your help”

Can you spare an hour?

Age Concern Wellington has a number of housebound elderly clients in the Johnsonville/Newlands/Khandallah area who would appreciate a visitor for an hour a week. If you would like to become one of our volunteers please contact Monica Robinson on 499 6646 or