Parish notices – 23 June 2012


“Midwinter Tales” Puppet Show—Sunday 23 June

5:30 pm in the Parish Hall—St Barnabas, Khandallah
Norbert Hausberg is one of the very few professional puppeteers in New Zealand (he trained in Germany). He will be presenting his own idiosyncratic take on the story of Rumpelstiltskin, for young and old alike. There will be mulled wine and other appropriate delicacies.

CPR course

Wellington Free Ambulance has offered to run a one-hour CPR course for parishioners on Monday, 1 July.
You are invited to join us for a light meal at 6.15pm. The course will start at 7.00pm and conclude at 8.00pm. If you would like to attend, please put your name on the clipboard at the back of the church. Any inquiry phone Pam Hartley, 232-2138.


Tax receipts

…are available at the back of the church.

Looking to the future

The Vicar-elect, the Reverend Ben Johnson-Frow, will be instituted by Bishop Justin on Sunday, 28 July at 2.30pm, though he will begin working in the parish in July for a time that overlaps Alister’s ministry here. Please keep Ben, Terri and their children Jakob and Breanna in your prayers as they prepare for this move.

July RoundAbout

…will be published at the end of the month. We need your contribution! Please contact Ailsa, 478-1115, to have something included.

Request for magazines

For Awesome Church on 29 June, we need magazines with pictures of people in them. If you have some you can contribute, please  drop them into the office during the week, or ring the office, 973-1729, to make arrangements. Thanks you!

Mission to St Andrews School in Tonga

A mission group leaves for Tonga next weekend. There will be several groups going over during July, and our own Toni Finkle will be among those helping at St Andrew’s School. Please pray for her and the other volunteers.